In 2047 a link between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics was found.

A theory of quantum gravity quickly emerged, and with it came a way to detect minuscule, high frequency gravitational waves that permeate the entire universe. Researchers testing these new detectors quickly noticed that the gravitational signals resembled the waveform of a voice. Upon listening to this audio, they heard a faint, but haunting voice:

Hear me, my children. I am that which brought light into the dark and life into the stillness. My voice resonates throughout all.

Dozens of other detectors were constructed and the results were replicated across all of them. Even more curious, the voice spoke in the language of whoever first heard it. The messages were generic and vague for a number of years. Eventually, they became specific and precise, as if they were speaking directly to whoever first heard the recording.

Construction of new detectors, now called Deus Vox, was forbidden as those that existed became sites of worship. Pilgrims would seek out a Deus Vox and spend weeks, or even months awaiting their turn to hear the ghostly voice speak first to them, as a congregation sat far behind them. Civilization slowly deteriorated as more and more became consumed by the voice.

Many tried to find an explanation for this voice. Some say that, by listening to the audio, individuals were collapsing many quantum states to a voice similar to what they expected to hear. Eventually research and speculation into this was deemed heretical and made punishable by death. One such researcher, however, was forced into an audience with a Deus Vox, hoping the wrathful words would instill terror before he was put to death. The voice said:

You, man of science, seek an answer as to the nature of all. Would you still seek this even at the cost of everything you hold dear? Even if the answer was not as you desired? My nature is not for my children to know.

"Fuck that! I'll figure it out even if I have to do it as a ghost!" He shouted defiantly before the guards restrained him.

It was from this point that the eerie voice from the Deus Vox vanished and listeners could then hear only a deep, unsettling growling. Afterward, many reported hearing this growling within their own head at all hours. Some were even driven mad by it. Others changed - changed in unspeakable ways.